martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Herroes and villans

 Hello How  are you? In the english class we studied the heroes and villans , the mood of the people and manga cartoon 
Heroes and the villans.

The polite person, study person, punctual person and the sporties person is a good person is a heroe
and a rude person, a thief, a sticking person and untime person is a bad person  is a villan
polite and nice person

a rude and loud person



 Mood of the people

       English               Español  

  • Strong           Fuerte
  • Week              Débil
  • Nice                Agradable
  • Unpleasant  Desagradable
  • Skinny            Flaco
  • Fad                  Gordo
  • Educated       Educado
  • Ill-mannered Maleducado
  • Fast                       Rapido
  • Slow                   Lento  


The Manga cartoon
Everyone knows it's a manga cartoon manga cartoon is that a good person has big eyes and a big smile but a person has a bad mouth small eyes pequeñay

goodbye xd :)

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